An abnormally large forehead that may or may not have its own gravitational pull
When one has broken up with their partner, and they manipulate their ex-partner into felatio after the split. This can be done through weeping, grimacing, or other acts of pity.
That dome was fantastic, I’m never gonna be able to move on until I get that closure head.
Heavy drinker, boozer, alcoholic.
He drank 20 pints of Stella, the glop head.
When the person consistently smokes weed or takes drugs. (Crackhead).
David: Yo man, Vlad hasn't stopped smoking for like 2 weeks...
Thomas: I know, the guy is a total Scratch head!
If the word wig is weird to you just use head rug instead
Bald person got a new wig
“I love your new head rug!”
The art of balancing a pint glass (or sometimes tinny unaided on your head) preferable while full and capturing the event on camera.
Started as a face book group (Pint on Head - the new Phenomenon Sweeping the nation) where photos of POH are collected and is now spreading from bar to party to party to bar.
That Guy's taking a photo, quick Pint on Head.
A slight shake of the head, meaning you screwed up so bad, that the other side can only shake their head. Or, other side is fed up with your shit.
Example 1:
Bob: DUDE! I ate a porcupine -- when it was still ALIVE!
Freddy: *Shake of the head*
Example 2:
Bob: Dude, I climbed Mt. Everest, pulled of my helmet, para-glided down, and landed on my head! And the only evidence I have is this small scratch on my elbow!
Freddy: *Shake of the head*