A girl that has a bubbly, poodle-like energy.
Even when throwing the egg at the dude and saying screw you, the poodle girl that didn't curse came off as a poodle.
A girl that has a bubbly, poodle-like energy.
Even when throwing the egg at the dude and saying screw you, the poodle girl that didn't curse came off as poodle-like.
Commenting “photoshop” on another girls photo when you can just text your friends privately and confirm that she may photoshop.
A girl that lives in her mothers basement and takes charge whenever her mother tells her to, with her mother as her backbone and support.
The jellyfish girl is gonna be there tonight.
Another name for a soft-hearted girl that likes being around other soft, spiritual people and hates anybody else.
The jellyfish girl wanted more people to go to the church that combined science and spirituality, and not with a focus on religion, so she started her own.
Controversial *ss people who always fight about gender. Bully people to the point they commit suicide and then when they die they act blind. Instead of teaching someone or trying to make them a better person they just ruin their life and make it physically impossible for them to lead a life, get a job, and will ultimately get bullied often. The boys and the girls will act like it's cool to be inhumane.
I do it for the boys/the girls.
The girls are more superior than you all, #KillAllMen.
She's like all other girls... I only live for the boys.
Built: Male, more superior than the girls.
When a fat girl has such a big belly she can't reach her vagina to utilize a sex toy for masturbation.
I attached the fat girl stilt to the end of my dildo. I hold the stick and can finally maneuver the dildo because I can reach over my belly.