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Hi Syafinaz Binte Zainal is a malay chinese girl.

Hi Syafinaz Binte Zainal is a malay chinese girl.

Hi Syafinaz Binte Zainal is a malay chinese girl.

by Mmm223 November 20, 2024

kimchi girl

you have a lot of biases?
or do you stan more than just one kpop? then you are a kimchi girl.

"oh so you like kpop? what is your favourite group?"
"well, i am a kimchi girl"

by kpop book January 24, 2019

bitchy girl name



Entitled white girls who think they own the place.

Cut throat, gossiping

Bitchy girl name is like “That lady is a real Karen”
“It’s Brittany bitch
Hag face Heather “

by SavageGurl July 14, 2023

Guns and girls

The most awesome Facebook group that ever existed. Founded August 9th 2020 by a gentleman named Derek. As it gained in popularity it soon spread to Instagram via Guns.and.girls.ig

The founder of Guns and Girls is really a cool dude.

by Dcoates80 November 23, 2021

girl on furlough

Refers to a chick's boob that you're temporarily "liberated" from her upper-body garment (i.e., you reached into the lady's collar-opening and hauled out one of her "girls") so that you could play with it bare and suck on her nipple for a moment before "putting it back into its jail cell".

Lots of buxom gals are more than willing to let you perform a "girl on furlough" maneuver; out of consideration and respect for her, though, be sure to (1) be very gentle with her chest-pillows, and (2) always take the time and effort to properly "tuck The Girls back inside" --- i.e., neatly re-arrange the girl's blouse, tank top, bra, etc. to return everything to how it had been before you started playing around with her chest, so that the boob-sharing chick will feel secured and comfy again after you've had your fun.

by QuacksO September 6, 2020

girl on furlough

Refers to a chick's boob that you're temporarily "liberated" from her upper-body garment (i.e., you reached into the lady's collar-opening and hauled out one of her "girls") so that you could play with it bare and suck on her nipple for a moment before "putting it back into its jail cell".

Lots of buxom gals are more than willing to let you perform a "girl on furlough" maneuver; out of consideration and respect for said "willing" damsel, though, be sure to (1) be very careful and gentle with her chest-pillows, and (2) always take the time and effort to properly "tuck The Girls back inside" --- i.e., neatly re-arrange the girl's blouse, tank top, bra, etc. to return everything to how it had been before you started playing around with her chest, so that the boobs-sharing chick will feel secured and comfy again after you've had your fun.

by QuacksO September 13, 2020

ice cream girl

elizibeth afton nick names being eli beth lizzy and liz and bethy

she just wanted to seee her she didn't want to be her now she is the tomb that haunts her soul - ice cream girl 2021

by idkhecker December 3, 2021