A black baby girl is a black women or girl who has very good and interesting fashion taste and usually has a few tattoos and is usually wearing a fake or real piercing on their nose and usually has a few piercings in their ear and they are the life of the party when they walk in a room everyone turns to look at them they can pull anyone regardless of the gender they are so fun and have a great sense of humor and some bbg are spiritual and they are so caring and sweet that it so hard to hate them.
Tyshon: Omg who is that she is so beautiful
Layla: Oh that shela everyone loves her people usually call her a bbg (black baby girl)
Rahhh x where is my fucking baccy babes. Daddy issues meets academic validation meets skinny scarf meets orgasm bridge... I am a sidge girl xx See you at the Law faculty babes x Cambridge University's finest
Oh she's dressed like a stylish tramp? She's definitely a a sidge girl. Let me go get a blem off her xx
A girl who throws badass parties, or is the life of the party. The party doesn't start until she walks in!
Oh look Jaki is here, she's such a banger girl!
Mokai is a Danish type of alcohol. Mokai is most commonly drank by gay people or what is considered mokai girls.
A mokai girl is a girl that has had 1 or 2 mokai's, then they act like they have chugged 1 bottle of vodka, and snorted 2 grams of cocaine.
These girls are really annoying and can ruin even the funniest party, you should stay clear of them and definitely not invite them to your party!!!
The GIF selected below show their behaviour pretty good, just imagine it's a girl with a bottle of mokai, instead of a man with a beer.
Person 1: Caroline was such a mokai girl yesterday, like Jesus!
Person 2: Yea I know right, she was pretty pls dudette.
Person 3: Why did you even invite a mokai girl
Person 1: Good questions, we will have no more mokai girls at our parties
Also known as St. Andrew Highschool for Girls, this is a mental institution in Jamaica that houses teen girls for seven years. Parents send unmanageable and clinically insane daughters here to cackle over iPhones, give man bun and occasionally learn math.
Steve: My ex girlfriend is crazy, she burned down 3 houses.
Rayquan: She is from St. Andrew Hospital for Girls