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Birding out

A state of mind: not acting right, acting strangely, thinking in an odd way
Synonyms: wack, acting like a crack head

"Shes birding out fr rn"
"Dude i'm birding out ngl"

by Lilygoose October 1, 2021

Shotty Out

A phrase used to get out of doing something when your with a group of friends..similiar to Noes Goes. The person who says shotie out last has to do the task asked of the group.

Mom: Can one of you please take out the trash?

Person 1: Shotty out!

Person 2: Shotty out!

Person 3 (did not say shotty out):Damnit!

Person 3 said it last, so they have to take out the trash.

by Tyler+Jarred July 19, 2007

get out of my ear

When u tell someone to leave u alone and or be quiet.

Ur gay”said Justin,
Get out of my ear Justin”.

by Fortnitesuperultragamerdudebro August 12, 2021

Bro’d Out


I was smoking that bro grass and got all bro’d out

by Bean Perry April 21, 2019

Sexed out

When ur friend/girlfriend sends u so many sexy photos you just feel so worn out because of how sexy they are

Hey bro I’m feeling sexed out because of what Juliet sent me

by Princess banana hammock May 28, 2019

Tech Out

The use of an ability or technique, especially in a video game, to force you/your character into a better position, or to avoid an unwanted outcome

If you press x at just the right time when falling from a great height, you can tech out and avoid the stun and fall damage

by L. Ankotte September 24, 2021

Willing Out

When someone leaves without saying anything

“Oh he disappeared. I guess he’s willing out.”

by Lindseyswank July 17, 2022