Source Code

The Standing O

A sex position where the man stands on a ladder to where his penis is the exact height of her mouth, and she gives him head.

Since we’re painting the ceiling, do you want to do The standing O on this ladder?

by Horny Frey 2 May 19, 2023


o-fan(oh-fah-n): (1.) A fan who is overly obsessive with a certain fictional property. (2.) A fan who is a rude/toxic person to other fans of the same fandom.

Example: There is an o-fan ruining the fandom.

Plural form: o-fans

by KoltenASG Nation January 15, 2021

Luh O

Owen Mpika Kusa also known as "Luh O" (Born August 1, 2007 On the Eastside of Atlanta Georgia), is an African American Athlete, Who is of Congolese decent .

Man.. Luh O sure is a great athlete



Spaghdussi-O's is a dish that is prepared before oral intercourse when a person possessing female genitalia empties a can of spaghetti-O's onto their genitals. It is then served to the person/s of their choosing.

"hey babe, what's for dinner tonight?"

"we having spaghdussi-O's"

by tanhandsomechicken August 15, 2022


A pretty cool , goofy, smart, funny, charming, friend you could ever ask for. From Stayton Oregon. He can ride a BMX bike like a pro despite being legally blind. He will fall in love quickly , take care of you at all costs, and be your main side kick when ever you need him. He's an all around awesome dude!

Guy #1- "Steve-O can't see shit, how the f$#k does he ride his BMX bike so well?"

Guy #2- " idk but I'm kinda jealous of him!"

by F$ckaround&f$nd@ut October 9, 2023


Deal. Just a cooler way of saying deal. Busta Rhymes coined it in one of his songs. So what the dealy-o??

Hey what’s the dealy-o?

by bithulk September 29, 2021

O-no Face

A facial expression that is meant to express grief, but just makes you look like you're having an orgasm instead.

Jessie's O-no Face made her seem far less like she was in emotional turmoil, and much more like she just climaxed.

by thesearewords August 9, 2012