Stray kids is a Korean pop boy band that consistent of now eight mem(e) bers
Since Woojin left 🙁 Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hang Jisung, Felix, Sungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin (aka I.N)
(There are two Australians in the group: Bang Chan and Felix)
Stay(their fanbase) :do you listen to Stray kids?
Me:what? The eight legends... Ofc I do!
When you child walks in while you are busy and dominates your time, preventing you from doing what you were doing. Especially when playing a game, watching tv, or other activities.
Dad into headset: "Quick, heal me while I taunt that mini-boss."
Kid: "Daddy, I have to go potty. Can you keep me company?"
Dad into headset: "I'll brb"
Voice from headset: "Dude, you got the kid aggro!"
A shock video of a young boy burning a live baby
Baby cam footage of a 7-10 year old boy walking into a babies room with a small bottle. The boy proceeds to pour the liquid (likely lighter fluid) from the bottle all over the baby. He then uses a lighter and lights the poor thing on fire. Then he steps back and the video ends after 2-ish more seconds. All of this while "Ave Maria" is playing.
I remember watching this bullshit when I was like 12 and I cant find it since. If you do find it DONT WATCH IT!
Jesse: hey remember the kerosene kid?
Walter: why the fuck did you bring that back to my memory. after remembering that I wish I was the baby.
One who portrays characteristics of a mentally challenged child
"That girl is a Drooly Kid!" exclaimed the boy.
A faire kid is a kid who grew up in a renaissance faire community, spells fair like faire, probably wants to be an actor, and probably gets bullied.
“Did you hear about the scooter kid that was ran over by a suspect fleeing a bank robbery at high speed on a skateboard?”
“Yes, I did. It was his clearly the scooter kid’s fault.”
A Cowboy kid is someone who’s parent/guardian is a figure of authority. (Police Officer, Judge, Secretary of State.) They are often known for their mischief or pattern of behavior.
That cowboy kid sure gets in a lot of trouble;
Hey look!!; there goes that cowboy kid