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Stray kids

Stray kids is a Korean pop boy band that consistent of now eight mem(e) bers
Since Woojin left 🙁 Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hang Jisung, Felix, Sungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin (aka I.N)

(There are two Australians in the group: Bang Chan and Felix)

Stay(their fanbase) :do you listen to Stray kids?

Me:what? The eight legends... Ofc I do!

by Alexis that is not from Texas January 25, 2020

kid aggro

When you child walks in while you are busy and dominates your time, preventing you from doing what you were doing. Especially when playing a game, watching tv, or other activities.

Dad into headset: "Quick, heal me while I taunt that mini-boss."
Kid: "Daddy, I have to go potty. Can you keep me company?"
Dad into headset: "I'll brb"
Voice from headset: "Dude, you got the kid aggro!"

by Lomanbjorn January 9, 2013

kerosene kid

A shock video of a young boy burning a live baby

Baby cam footage of a 7-10 year old boy walking into a babies room with a small bottle. The boy proceeds to pour the liquid (likely lighter fluid) from the bottle all over the baby. He then uses a lighter and lights the poor thing on fire. Then he steps back and the video ends after 2-ish more seconds. All of this while "Ave Maria" is playing.

I remember watching this bullshit when I was like 12 and I cant find it since. If you do find it DONT WATCH IT!

Jesse: hey remember the kerosene kid?

Walter: why the fuck did you bring that back to my memory. after remembering that I wish I was the baby.


by Definitionary October 21, 2022

Drooly Kid

One who portrays characteristics of a mentally challenged child

"That girl is a Drooly Kid!" exclaimed the boy.

by Goosehead513 January 5, 2010

Faire kid

A faire kid is a kid who grew up in a renaissance faire community, spells fair like faire, probably wants to be an actor, and probably gets bullied.

Yeah, she's a faire kid

by stiiiiiitch May 31, 2021

Scooter Kid

Always at fault.

“Did you hear about the scooter kid that was ran over by a suspect fleeing a bank robbery at high speed on a skateboard?”

“Yes, I did. It was his clearly the scooter kid’s fault.”

by Wardaddy Kang February 15, 2022

Cowboy Kid

A Cowboy kid is someone who’s parent/guardian is a figure of authority. (Police Officer, Judge, Secretary of State.) They are often known for their mischief or pattern of behavior.

That cowboy kid sure gets in a lot of trouble;
Hey look!!; there goes that cowboy kid

by J-dog28 January 7, 2021