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Patrick bereznicki

Patrick bereznicki meaning “thick brows” aka red from angry birds

Damnnn u have Patrick bereznicki brows

by Honest.anne April 7, 2023

Patrick McGoohand

When you have an impromptu bate sesh and are forced to finish in your hand due to lack of proper planning i.e. Tissue etc.

I suddenly got horny and decided to beat off. I didn't have any tissue so I used old "Patrick Mcgoohand".

by Macsteed November 1, 2016

Patrick Gilliam

Patrick is a savage a complete fucking savage he's the kinda guy you could smoke weed with and not get in trouble he is the coolest person you will ever meet he has a awesome personality and is so energetic he is the kinda guy you want as a friend he's savage he's a beast and he will stab you if you touch his food! But overall Patrick is a great guy and a great friend

Man that guy stabbed that dude and he didn't get in trouble what a Patrick Gilliam

by Joe Pats Best Friend September 6, 2016

Patrick Yenduluri Cullen

A pervert attention seeking dickhead whose desperate to lick an ass of pig.

Don't be a PYC (Patrick Yenduluri Cullen).since you are going to get rejected by the girls.

by Avril335 November 25, 2021

Patrick Ferry

The GOAT of football he will absolutely destroy messi and ronaldo ON THE SAME TEAM. If you dont know who he is your living under a rock (or you dont watch bfordlancer)


by A1zamemer May 11, 2023

Patrick Passino

a person who never seems to want to answer his text messages

hey have you texted Patrick Passino lately?
yeah I have, but he didn’t respond.

by rizzucker June 2, 2024

st patricks townsville

a school that is far better than maggots and iggy put together. while many are desperate for the attention of any male in a five-foot radius, the students aren't as stuck up as the students at schools like grammar and cathedral. An unfortunate side effect of being a st patties girl is the abundance of students that find an attraction to male teachers. st pats has its cliques; the rowers, the music cohorts, the anime kids, the smart kids, the stuck-up cathedral kids that couldn't make it at that school, and the assholes. Side effects may be: as previously stated, the male teacher attraction, the anger that the 'peasant schools' took over the iggy discos, always been seen as a whore because you talk to all the iggy boys, and the somehow strange ability to stalk any and every teacher online.

"where do you go?"
"St patricks townsville, why?"
"Which teacher?"
"...my math teacher"

by theslayestslaya June 16, 2022