The most interesting man in the world
Cole Rouse is the most interesting person in the world.
Cole runs track with the shortest of shorts, it’s okay cause he’s got a Cole Lovett
Big headed caveman, big and hairy, brain the size of small rock. Big hairy dumb idiot caveman rock.
Use big head to break rock, break big rock make home, make fire with rock, burn rock and cook rock, make more rock food.
Cole Rens love rock
Her eyes often cry - not her, her eyes.
Will get aggressive within a cooking environment.
Will get aggressive within a movie watching environment.
Will get aggressive.
Diceptively ginger.
Winks can be mistaken for a disability - They are in fact her meting call.
I totally alice coled that bitch.
Cole needs to be appreciated and put above everyone else today
Guys don’t forget it’s cole appreciation day