Source Code

kevin and kiara

These two people are made for each other. They are intended to meet sometime in their 30's. They share the same sense of humor and have much in common. Kiara is pretty much perfect in all aspects. Kevin is a man whore with a large dick. But they get along great in spite of Kevin's whorish ways. They enjoy texting and sending pictures to each other endlessly. Love may or may not be a factor in this relationship. Regardless, friendship for eternity is almost guaranteed. No matter the distance between them, thoughts of the other are never very far.

Kevin and kiara โค

by states.facts April 1, 2015

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Kevin Spacey

The act of a man sexually assaulting other men while in a work place or a bar and declaring that your gay as a cover up for your misbehavior.

Peter: Man, did you see that guy who would dry hump us at the office every day?
Nate: Yeah, what news about him?
Peter: He pulled out a Kevin Spacey.
Nate: So?
Peter: He's gay!
Nate: So what? He's still a pervert!

by Deadmojo January 13, 2018

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kevin lowe

The biggest idiot in the NHL.

How Lowe can we go? Kevin Lowe

by Tambellini February 5, 2014

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Kevin McCarthy

The spineless and loathsome Republican House minority leader.

America will be in trouble if a moron like Kevin McCarthy ever becomes Speaker of the House

by Soul_Driver August 2, 2021

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Kevin Time

Alone time which is usually used for masturbation, although it does have other usages.

Dude, I'm going to go to the bathroom for some Kevin time. One of the freshman just installed fleshlights in the showers!

by Celarnor September 13, 2007

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Kevin Durant

You can't beat them, join them.

Hey bro I was just like Kevin Durant, left the team that SAW MY FUCKING POTENTIAL and went to a team where i'm shadowed by someone else.

by Westgoat May 18, 2018

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Pull a Kevin

The phrase "pull a kevin" was officially made by @PanzerAce_HMS mere minutes ago, its defined as dissappearing randomly with or without intent, its origns date back to the United States in the 2000s and was willed into a phrase by the most handsome and legendary robloxian, PanzerAce_HMS

Hey, that guy just pulled a kevin!
Did he just pull a kevin?

by Omnione2775 January 28, 2021