Well Nathan? Hmm he’s an amazing guy who most girls would just love to be around because he fun and caring. I bet he has curly brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. I also bet he’s in orchestra or band because he loves music. He also knows how to play piano. He’s an awesome person but can also be a little bit of an asshole. Hus smile will melt your heart and cause you to go one loud 90000. He runs super fast so if you need a running partner, he’s the one. But yea he’s an amazing boyfriend and friend.
Girl: oh I just love hanging out with Nathan
Girl 2: yea me too it’s unfair who ever dates him
Nathan is cool and handsome also very attractive and also kinda trustworthy he is good at sports and fun if you say Nathan is bad or this definition is cap ur reject and your life will be miserable that's the bad thing About Nathan If you diss him you die.
you are like Nathan today I'm Jealous!
dude, you dissed Nathan go die!
Nathan is cool and trustworthy is good at sports like soccer Nathan is a word for people who are handsome and cool
pp poopoo
You are turning into a Nathan! I'm jealous
A person that loves his belowies (Mikaela) (phoebe) (milli) and more....
A person that will ruin any relationship (Hamish and marina), has a huge cock but will still pipe any big batty belowies YUM.
YOOOO she's drunk let me try hit that.
If she's 14 that's still fine by me.
Didn't know she was 12.
A Nathan is over there hide your girl and daughters..
Nathan is the most annoying fucking gay idiot that everyone hates and who says the most boring not funny jokes and he is a gay furry who just wants to suck dick and be annoying
Nathan is so fucking annoying
1👍 1👎
He's nice, but damn he got a pickle chin sometimes.
Nathan was leaning in for a kiss with his sister with piping red cheeks when she exclaimed "Bruh thats a pre big pickle chin big bro."