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Hair Cottage

Slang for vagina, specifically an unshaven one. Not to be mistaken for a shaven one (see: Bare Cottage).

Tony : hey Frank, how was your date with Suzy yesterday?

Frank: pretty good...
Tony : yeah? Did you get a tour of her hair cottage?

by IGSDann April 21, 2017

Blued hair

To have dark blue hair

Ex: Wow, you have blued hair!

by Elmo<3 May 4, 2008

cargo hair

very offensive for too many reasons to list

cargo hair

by cargohair July 17, 2010

Hair stick

A shiny wooden stick with the purpose of putting your hair up by twisting and turning it into a bun of sorts

Do u need a hair stick?

by McAl June 11, 2014

Phelmet Hair

When a man has long pubic hair and has been wearing a condom for too long, he develops helmet hair in his pubes.

I was banging so long last night my pubes got phelmet hair!

by The_Difference97 April 17, 2015

egg hair

An egg hair is a corse egg strand found in your breakfast plate while eating hashbrowns!

Jenn was very concerned when she found a large egg hair in her breakfast.

by Doctor_dear22 May 29, 2017


a cool tiktoker who loves karl jacobs :

Robbie: Hey have u seen karls._.hair on tiktok?
Gracie: Yeah! they’re so cool
Alex(karls._.hair): Hi! Thank you for being so nice!!

Gracie: *gasp* Hi Alex, I love your content!

Alex: Thank you so much! <3

by karlnap.mc December 1, 2021