A daily number-based game which is highly superior to Wordle. How many tries will to take you to get a Rumtum?
Omg I got the Number Rumtum on the first try today guys.
A Rumtum in one? Go on my son.
it is your mom's credit card information
Ok now put the numbers on the back in chat
Number 1 victory royale fortnite yeh we bout to get down
You head Reece’s singing
No what is it
Number 1 victory royals fort Ute yeh we bout to get
Reece Stephan number 1 victory royale
A inside slang word for asking if someone has the drug molly
Hey, yo you got mollys number cuz I wanna party tonight
i use it for my workway (the route i use to get to work)
Tram Number 9: trinnnnng trinnn ringgg ringg brum brum brrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum
Me (in the Morning): Oh no now i have only 20 minutes left till im at my work.
Me (in the Afternoon): Ah yes i can finally get the fuck home.
The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number (Z). This number is very important because it is unique for atoms of a given element. All atoms of an element have the same number of protons, and every element has a different number of protons in its atoms.
Me: I can name all the elements by proton number: hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus sulphur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon cesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium nihonium flerovium moscovium livermorium tennessine oganesson.
Tom: Yes, that’s great.
Me: And now on to the symbols: HHeLiBeBCNOFNeNaMgAlSiPSClArKCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKrRbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXecsBaLaCePrNdPmS,EuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuHfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRnFrRaAcThPaUNpPuAmCmBkCfEsFmMdNoLrRfDbSgBhHsMtDsRgCnNhFlMcLvTsOg.
Tom: Hey, now it looks like an equation!