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-It is to be said when you die on ROBLOX

-People say it for a laugh

-Eight year olds mating call
-And when you don’t care but you have to say something.

-My grandad had a heart attack!

by xAeStHeTiCx April 27, 2019


The sound that an idiot makes after they get hurt, or another person

Oh he’s about to fall? Oof, lol he fell

by Εpic Gamer January 22, 2020


When you roll down a hill in front of your mom...

Mom: timmy don't roll down that hill till you're dead!
Timmy: OOF! *Rolls down hill...*

by rspm March 10, 2020


A word commonly used to describe how pretty/handsome/good looking someone is

Person 1: Wow you are so oof!
Person 2: You think so? Thanks!

by Definitiv Nicht Albert May 26, 2019


An expression of dissatisfaction or condolence

Guy 1- It’ll take 30 minutes to get there
Guy 2- Oof

by Nickthedik36D July 18, 2019


A super cool and annoying word that is when a Robloxian nigga dies.

I always OOF in Roblox

by fdfgcgvvgvhbnvnbvbvg December 9, 2018


A substitute for the F-word commonly used by small, traumatized 8-year-olds

oof you

by Small Traumatized children August 21, 2019