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Janyia is Perfection

Janyia is just is no brainer

Janyia is perfection she doesn't even have one flaw

by DOOKIE CHEESE May 6, 2022

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Perfection Science

The branch of science which searches for the most effective ways to consistently achieve perfection in different fields.

The ever-increasing technological advances and the increase in absolutely or virtually perfect products and services that are now being sold spawned Perfection Science. The first step in a perfection science project is to identify the errors which prevent a person, place, thing, or activity from achieving perfection.

by but for October 3, 2017

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Perfect Crush

a crush that never developed into a relationship and was walked away from before having to say goodbye or get hurt

Jason and I were never in a relationship. All he was was my perfect crush.

by tarstaroo November 2, 2016

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perfect pitch

Perfect pitch is when someone throws an accordian and it hits a bagpipe.

Lawrence heaved his accordian and it hit Scotty's bagpipes to the great relief of all who can hear.

by duels March 10, 2005

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perfect human

Phil Lester

"Have you seen Phil? He is literally a perfect human!"

by Eclipticdjh ;) May 5, 2018

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perfect in pink

a female who thinks she's absolutely perfect after luring in dumbell guys who actually fall for her so called innocence or witchcraft and eventually leading them to believe she has illnesses that lead to death such as cancer and such all the while screwing one of his loyal friends

there's goes mrs.perfect in pink! what a innostink.... I mean innocent girl she is....let's all pray she doesn't die soon of that horrible disease...I mean tumor she has...poor girl

by mr.klean January 26, 2008

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Perfect Pajeet

A phrase used when you know yoour about to win a game

Yea! The Perfect Pajeet!

by Notracistfag June 3, 2023

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