A sexual in which one partner coats their hand in Tajín (or similar spice), inserts their fist into a genital orifice, and then fully opens their hand, simulating the spiky leaves of a pineapple.
If you enjoy being fisted, but want to "kick it up a notch," try having your partner give you a Spicy Pineapple!
When one has any variety of Flaming Hot Cheeto dust on their finger and inserts into a sexual orifice.
Jack accidentally forgot to fully wash his hands after eating flaming hot Cheetos and inadvertently gave Jill a Spicy Grito when fingering her.
Put hot sauce on vagina then blow like a harmonica
I have some extra hot sauce..
Can we do the spicy harmonica
Give it a moment. In a few years, people will be saying "spicy nacho" instead of "lit". Just you wait.
"That's pretty spicy nacho"