Source Code

North America Autonomous Zone

North America Autonomous Zone, also North American Autonomous Zone and shortened as NAAZ, is the name of a fictional country and a meme where it's basically a North American version of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) that includes the whole USA and Canada, the government of North America Autonomous Zone would basically be similar to CHAZ, but having a Central Committee to take care of the country and it would use of anarcho-imperialism and woke imperialism in order to defeat NATO and the West and turn all NATO countries, Western countries and Latin American countries into anarchist such as North America Autonomous Zone would be. The economics of NAAZ would basically be Bookchin Communalism united with Anarcho-Syndicalism. NAAZ is well known for its support to LGBT Rights, Otherkin Rights, Supernatural Rights, Freedom of Supernaturality, Sapient Equalism and Bioequalism.

"The North America Autonomous Zone is a meme about CHAZ that would basically be if CHAZ decided to be revolutionary and spread their revolution over the whole North America, and spread it to Europe and Latin America and lead into the creation of the World Autonomous Zone (WAZ), also Global Autonomous Zone (GAZ) or Earth Autonomous Zone (EAZ)."

by Full Monteirism July 6, 2021

Africa America

A continent between Asia and North America that only exists in the alternate dimension, Jason Canon. It consists of 15 countries, one of which is an island which parodies Alcatraz and one of which was abandoned in mid-1991 due to an explosion that destroyed part of that country. And african american JasonConnors14 lives there

JasonConnors14: Hello, my name is Jason, and I live in Africa America!

by rsthegwhre ewers August 3, 2019

United States Of America Are Addicted To The Number Four


United States Of America Are Addicted To The Number Four

by Angel234IsTheDarkSeraphim March 1, 2025




by FrenchVanillaSake February 26, 2025

People glorifying surprise reveals in the United States of America


People glorifying surprise reveals in the United States of America

by Angel234IsTheDarkSeraphim February 23, 2025

America Syndrome

Mental state where an individual is overly influenced with American culture, to the point of hating his own

I can't believe that Jake hates his own country because of America, he totally has the America Syndrome

by Dirty Luka September 21, 2021

SEGA Electric of Japan and America

the best electric company ever

Mark III
Master System
Genesis 32X Neptune
Genesis Nomad
Mega Drive
Compact Disc
Dreamcast NA
Dreamcast JP
Dreamcast EU
Dreamcast Bounce NA
Dreamcast Bounce JP
Dreamcast Bounce EU
Dreamcast Katana Development Kitchen NA/JP/EU

This game is made by SEGA Electric of Japan and America.

by Q.U.I.Z. April 28, 2024