Probably the biggest achievement somebody can obtain. If you happen to achieve touch toilet, you will be worshipped for months, even years. Touch toilet is one of the hardest life achievements anybody could be able to obtain. If you happen to achieve it, your name will be everywhere, you will be full of fame and money , your life will better up, you will have no worries and will definitely, absolutely, get a wife and all of your wishes shall come true.
person 1: Yo, who is this guy Zeke?
person 2: Wtf? You haven't heard of him? He is the one who touched toilet! You're a faggot for not knowing that. Even though I'm a guy i want to have his kids. Like, man, he literally achieved " touch toilet " in his life!
person 1: Damn! That's epic! I wish i was him!
A situation very similar to a dutch oven, however hands-based foreplay continues and neither sexual partner attempts to make eye contact.
"Let one go in bed last night with the missus."
"That must have been awkward"
"Not really, we just carried on with the Dutch Touch"
When a person touched another's pocket, they become their son and they are gay.
Spencer is pocket touching and he is everyone's son and he likes men.
the act of violently smacking your penis across someone's face several times.
If you keep talking about me I will have to clinch touch you!
bob: so, how'd far you get?
derek: yeah, we touched naughties
bob: you sly fox!
Stems from suck my woomy. Tmw when abbreviated.
Only the best of ships use this against each other.
“Suck my woomy, do it.”
“Touch my woomy, do it.”
“Lick my woomy, do it.”
When you kiss and touch someone like a fool around with someone because you like each other
Reyes: Hey, Mario are you going out with Alejandra this weekend?
Mario: yes I am.
Reyes: nice! You are going to get some touch ons!!