A sight almost as rare as bigfoot or the fountain of youth, if you do see one and tell other people they will not believe you.
Many believe it to be an urban legend or a made-up and baseless hoax made by BMW to make drivers feel safer whenever they're behind a BMW car.
Jim: "Bro, did you see that BMW car using it's turn signal?"
John: "You must be on something or lying, everyone knows that's an urban legend."
5đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž
When math educators in America are pushing for their states and schools to embrace the Singapore math curriculum, or part of it, to raise the mathematical proficiency of their students—Singapore is often touted as a model for quality math education that is achievable via wallet-friendly good-quality textbooks.
Trump’s white “patriots” and diehard blue-collar supporters in red states are against the “Make US Math Singapore Math” slogan, as they’re allergic to any form of alien math infiltrating their local schools.
96đź‘Ť 149đź‘Ž
Cool over-used phrase bro is a reply to someone who says Cool story bro. Cool story bro is used by someone who spends too much time on the internet usually within the Chatroom and Forum community where its used by 11 different people in the space of 5 minutes
Loser one: Cool story bro
Person two:Cool over-used phrase bro
Person three: you fking fgt Loser One
20đź‘Ť 15đź‘Ž
When you keep convincing yourself and your friends that you are the actual sussy amogus imposter from among us, this medical tragedy will cause severe concussions even though you aren’t falling down and landing on your head and hour long seizures when you see an among us meme.
Employer: hey it says here you have sussy among us balls syndrome, what is that?
Guy: oh it’s a medical problem I have a doctors note.
Employer: okay, well, would you mind reading this form and confirming it?
Guy: okay *reads paper* I’m alright with everything other than the “not murdering anyone” policy.
Employer: what do you mean by that
Guy: I have sussy among us balls syndrome I’m the imposter from among us.
Employer: oh right, you mean this game? *shows picture of among us character*
Guy: *has a painful and long seizure*
Employer: someone get a doctor for this goofy ahh medical patient
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When you are so tired of just watching the person you used to know and love turn into a different type of person so much that you decided to search it up in urban dictionary. Or....maybe this is who they’ve been the whole time they just kept it hidden from you the whole time to keep you from leaving. That’s why you haven’t left huh......
I miss the way you used to be
6đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž
What an old white guy would say to a homeless man asking for money for a hot dog.
Homeless Man: "Can I have a dollar for a hot dog?"
White Guy: "Nah man we used it all"
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