A very small and annoying girl. She is okay at times but is a real bitch at times some might one to beat her up
Oh yeah i think bethan smiths well annoying
The best at anything they ever do
Jonte smith is so good at football
Fake slag who gets with people’s exes and especially her best friends and also try’s to make other people’s friends suicidal because she’s such a bitch
Guess who shagged my ex ‘Livi Smith’ oh what a surprise
a fucking slag who shags there friends exes and makes there friends suicidal cus she a sket who’s got nothing better to do
Guess who shagged my ex? “Livi Smith” oh what a surprise
Surrounded by woods filled with homeless heroine addicts Smith College is a liberal haven in the middle of bum fuck nowhere.
Smith College has a 2.6 billion dollar endowment (2022) but could not be bothered to provide a free tampon at the 120 million dollar New Neilson Library. Its ok though, smithies like to free bleed.
The wild lesbos are frequently seen putting out bougie ciggs under their platform docs.
Often walking in herds smith athletes are a different breed entirely. Often confused as to how they ended up in a land of dyed haired degenerates. Their superiority complex manifests in idiotic UMASS boyfriends who roam the halls and leave stray pubes on the gender neutral toilet seats.
As the most haunted campus in the United States, Smith College boasts heaps of paranormal activity often resulting in lesbian tarot readings and seances.
Weekends are spent fantasizing about pussy, and hiding from your exes in dingy quad basements. The best parties take place in the academic buildings, where the passively rebellious Smithie might attempt to disappoint their parents.
The professors are either old, sexy, or a confusing combination. It could be that we are all just thirsty...
Unlike the Smith website may advertise Smith is mostly populated by white bisexuals from the Boston area and Portland.
Smithies work hard, but smoke harder, eager to forget their professors bussy which they desperately long to peg.
Stranger: What school do you go to?
Me: Smith College
Stranger: Cool, I like the gays
When you meet a Brandon Smith. Don't let there deep blue ocean eyes fool you. Don't let there warm hugs trap you in there charm. Be careful to listen to everything he says. He always lets the truth slip out even when he is trying to hide the facts. He lives on the edge and is to trusting of the wrong people. He flirts with all the wrong girls. He will make you jealous but what will really trap you is when he gives you his heart which will never happened because they are never ready to be serious. If they ever do decide to fight for you and make better efforts to start something instead of giving you false hope. Then you comment down below lol
That Brandon smith is envied by his friends who aren't really friends.
Dennis Smith is a supergigga chad
Kyle:You like like a chad. Is your name Dennis Smith?
Dennis Smith:Yeah how’d you know?