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Al is a average girl who makes mistakes, she draws, she ye does normal things.

shes a simp, a weeb and ye-

Hey, who’s Al?

A GiRl

by Al Pee March 6, 2021


Al is the epitome of passion, they are someone who is beautiful inside and out, and has a way with the ladies. In fact, Al's friendship group is always physically fighting over them because they are so out of this world, and everyone wants Al in their lives and in their beds.

person a: I saw Al today, and immediately my primal urges kicked in and I had to sweep them off their feet

person b: But Al promised themselves to me! how dare you

*person a and person b fight to the death*

by TeaLeafTheif April 14, 2023


a name short for alcohol, algae, arson, al dente, alfredo linguini, alonzo, aluminium and more.
a man with the name al is the horniest man of all. confessed to liking the taste of his boyfriend named Hyrum’s cum. not only does he vibe 24/7, he also tweets things like:
• “i love cake popping my pussy to cooking shows”
• “can transformers have boobs?”
• “take the couch, we still here”
• “ old man on crack bouta quarantine me more than the government”
(also lost his virginity in a church parking lost)
anyone named al is the best person ever, i recommend calling them right now and going and getting high in a field with them.

Al: me and hyrum smoked in a fucking field and it was amazing

Al: im gonna bury you straight up and down and make sure you are never found. i am not h o r n y. i am cool.

by catchmecrying April 12, 2020


Short for Avril Lavigne

J: Hey, I love AL, but not as much as I love you.
M: Haha I love AL too!

by PETZAAAHUT April 23, 2018


AL a person that is a narsistic, simpleton with little regard for his fellowman. A cheer and scoundrel with only himself and successes in mind.

That guy running for office is a real AL!”

by Firecop April 3, 2022


Short form for "annual leave" used in workforce.

My Chainaman company only give 12 days AL but only prorate 1 day per month. Kek policy

by Wakakadupe February 13, 2018


Abbreviation for annual leave. A word that is used at work

I'm going to take AL on Monday

by _VAS_ January 21, 2021