Etymology: fat + fast food, from one of the common causes of obesity being overconsumption of fast food
Food typically consumed by a specific fat person that is the cause of their weight gain, whether it be fast food or not.
Two teenagers are hungry and want something to eat.
Fat boy: Hey, I'm hungry. Want to get something to eat?
Skinny boy: Sure. Let's go to Chipotle.
Fat boy: Nah, I'm in the mood for McDonald's.
Skinny boy: But you eat so much fat food!! Didn't you just say you were trying to lose weight a minute ago?
Fat boy: Yeah, but I eat McDonald's almost every day?
That yummy yummy good good right above the knees.
Thigh fat is what every guy who likes a firm grip in bed desires.
That hoe Sharquicha got that thigh fat tho.
Noun. A large, protruding vagina, sometimes thrust outwards, belonging to a certain individual who likes to display said vagina in tight ballet clothing and who very much enjoys the company of Skinny Ari. Also known as AV. Very unlikley to get some.
Danny: Did you see Fat Herman today?
Monica: No, but I do love it.
Danny: But I could have sworn it was here earlier...
Monica: No, Skinny Ari has it. I think he's taking Herman to the circus, actually.
¹ A lie that is told by a fat person.
² The propensity of fat people to lie, normally for social reasons.
Sally is telling fat lies again, in order to get attention.
someone who is fatter than a skinny legend, but not as fat as an obese legend.
Isaiah: Did you see how big Danica got?
Me: Fuck yeah she's a fat legend.
Isaiah: *eats 10 Alabama hot pockets like a fat ass*
Me: be careful Isaiah. You're a fat legend now but you're on your way to being an obese legend
When someone puts one testicle in each cheek and your penis rest on their forehead
Bro this girl fat squirreled me last night and I about lost my nut
A very large man who is love and respected by many.
Papi which is Spanish for "papa" "papacito" meaning father or Daddy
A term of endearment and a boost to the overweight self esteem .
Key words
#Pelo #papichulo #Papi El'Grande