To "fry someones cleaterman" is to karate chop (open handed) somebody in the back of the neck precisely on the brachial nerve. Side effects of a fried cleaterman include but are not limited to: Severe headaches, neck pain, tingling sensation of head and neck, and in rare cases temporary loss of consciousness.
Christian:Hey will you pick that shit up off the ground?
Darby: Yeah man
*Bends over*
*Fried Cleaterman/ Cleaterman Fry*
Darby: OWWWW you dick my forehead is numb!
Naru Fries is a term that can be used for adorable tiny people who love fries!!!
Have you met her? She's naru fries!
the absolute greatest thing ever. period.
megadeth cant' touch deep fried burritos in any way. no matter how many key changes are in the solo
Instead of masturbating like a normal person. This person is obsessed with fucking KFC Chicken. Just the smell of chicken makes them go crazy. Even the thought of colonel Sanders makes them think of nutting into some gooey KFC gravy.
James is known as the kentucky fried chicken fucker because he likes KFC a little more than most
A mistake usually with pleasant outcome e.g. adding a fries emoji to a sentence or getting a couple of curly fries along with your regular fries
Pardon my french fries
let's find out
I went to a burger place and saw fries and wondered ARE THESE THE WORLDS MOST CRISPY FRIES...