The kind of shitty jokes that the famed Twitter user, Bahman Begins is known to cut on a regular basis; all of which are literally lame and uninspired and extremely cringy.
Bahman: Enters the chat/room
Omid: Oh shit. Here comes the father of all Dad Jokes!
Alireza: Yup! The embodimemt of cringyness just made his royal entrance. Fuck this shit. I'm outta here. Peace y'all...
Used by Hugh Mungus
Dad jokes used by Hugh Mungus
Crazy lady "what's your name?"
Hugh Mungus "it's Hugh...Mungus."
A dad joke is a joke created by a father figure.
The dad joke is not funny.
honey, stop telling dad jokes im going insane.
When ur dad says a really obvious stupid joke.
Example of a dad joke:
“Dad I’m hungy”
“dad you haven’t fed me in three days”
Annoying jokes your dad tells you. At one point you probably thought they were very funny, but not anymore. Now he just tells you them because he misses the old you and wishes he could go back to the good old days.
These dad jokes are very unfunny.
I'm worried about my dad. He keeps telling me dad jokes and sighing.
Corny/cheesy jokes that fathers share with their children. They are often criticised by people who don't want to admit that some dad jokes are actually pretty good or they don't understand the concept of dad jokes. For the most part, those who say "dAd JoKeS aRe NoT fUnNy" do not realise that the whole shtick is that the jokes are so predictable and dry that in a way it is hilarious.
Dad: I built a car comprised of ravioli, but my sista didn't believe me until I drove pasta.
The snobby son: Oh wait I forgot to laugh. Wait no I didn't, I didn't laugh because it's another one of your lame dad jokes 🙄
Dad: You're too young to understand the concept my boy.