Source Code

Kill em all

A metallica album from July 1983. A favorite to the thrash crowd and any one that has good taste in music.

The nu metal kids have no idea what Kill em all is.

by UserNames_Suck March 6, 2004

390๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž

Killing my vibe

When you're trying to have a good time by having or laugh or singing a song and your friend decides to shut you down and make you stop.

*Casually humming a song*
Friend 1: Yo bro, do you mind being quiet?!
Friend 2: Bro seriously, you're actually killing my vibe.

by Lord Defonator October 29, 2020

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

virgin killing sweater

(noun) A halter-top or turtle-necked sweater that is backless and possibly side-less. Currently (as of Jan. 2017) popular in Japan.

Name comes from a tweet featuring an image of the sweater.

Man, she looked hot in that virgin killing sweater with her epic side-boob!

by Maschinenmensch January 31, 2017

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill your family

Something said in retaliation to a severe insult. Normally a conversational stopper.

Bob: Man, fuck you.
Jim: I will kill your family.

by Falcon Wrath April 21, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kill Death Ratio

The Kill Death Ratio, Commonly Referred to as K/D, KDR or Kill/Death, is the average rate of the amounts of deaths you need per kill. For instance, a KDR of 1 means that your number of death equals the number of kills you have. If your KDR is lower than one, then you have more deaths than kills, and vice versa.

Summary (may require some mathematical understanding):
If 0 < k < 1, or log(k) < 0, then you are a n00b.
If k > 1, or log(k) > 0, then you are a good player.
(k is your Kill Death Ratio)

Guy 1:
Duude! I'm l33t!

Guy 2:
What's your Kill Death Ratio?

Guy 1:

Guy 2:
*challenging face*

Guy 1:
0.5 *attempted puppy face*

Guy 2:
LOL nub!!!!!11

by ChromeLynx May 10, 2010

110๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

ooo kill em

A seemingly sourceless and passing term used in middle and high schools of today. Used by the surrounding group after any confrontation whatsoever, it is derived from he who is called Lil' Terio. It's pretty much total bullfuck.

Yo nigga, yo dick a tic tac nigga!

Ha well that's not what yo dog said last night...

(Surrounding group) ooo kill em!

by He who posts shit October 29, 2013

74๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

69th Kill streak

You are sitting on the couch naked and the other partner places his/her hips on your chest so that you are able to orally stimulate his/her junk. He/she, in turn is laying down, his/her body laying down your body so he/she has full-access to orally stimulate your junk. (Please see 69) You are trying your best to see a t.v screen over his/her bum so that you are able to play Call Of Duty: Black Ops or Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Then, you proceed to achieve a Kill Streak of any size. (note, the bigger the kill streak, the better the 69th Kill streak)

Guy 1: "Hey man! I totally got this girl I met down the clubs to do a 69th Kill streak with me! It was hard 'cos her ass was so big... so I only got a spy plane."

Guy 2: "That's frigen awesome!"

Girl 1: "Did I hear you guys say 69th Kill Streak?, I got my boyfriend to do that with me about a week ago!"

Guy 2: "Really? What kill streak did he get?"

Girl 1: "Oh no. It was me. And I got a tactical nuke.... And then I orgasmed."

Guy 1: "Could I get your number?"

by The Gamer Who Gets Around January 27, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž