Someone who leaves Asian hanging
Asian guy: aye Logan
Logan: ...
Asian guy: you are such a Logan Paul
Logan Paul is another word for ”brain dead human”. It was named after the YouTuber ”Logan Paul” also known as the ”cancer of YouTube”.
A man with a forehead bigger than the suns enitrety and is a narsasitic idiot who is friends with a literal piece of dog shit and a ned
Person 1: You know logan paul?
Person 2: Dont you mean megamind
A massive fucking idiot who films dead bodies just to gain some views.
He’s well known for being the suicide forest guy.
He has fans called the “Logang” or as I like to call them.. “brainwashedgang” (yeah I hate myself)
Logan Paul is a massive shithead who records dead bodies, without even showing sympathy.
A dumb Youtuber with no talent who films deadbody's to get more views.
Stupid Friend: iS tHAt a dEaD BOdY
A cunt that fucks his own mother
Logan paul is a cunt faggot