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Good people

A group of people who try to screw everyone over and steal. Also known as community.

You can't get us back we're good people

by Al komunita October 1, 2022

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cool people

A person who is not attractive, but is fun to hang out with.

Guy: Hey Jim wants to know if that girl Tina is pretty
Girl: uh, yeah, she's cool people...

by DontPanicCarryATowel April 19, 2017

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beautiful people

A Marilyn Manson fan.

"how dose it feel to be one of the beautiful people!?"-Marilyn Manson.

by Joe J. April 24, 2008

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black people

I've been reading these definitions and Im just so sad that people are that ignorant and rely on stereotypes to judge people. I'm a black person. I have straight A's, dont eat KFC 24/7 and only drank kool-aid when my teacher brought it into class. I dont think people realize how many black people helped our society and how many whites have destroyed it. Yeah you know Sarah Palin and George Bush, the 2 dumbest people in the world are white. I really wish that people would stop being so darn ignorant and open a book about the good things about blacks. Not everyone that is black relies on welfare checks and are in gangs. My mother works hard for me and my siblings to get a good education and to be sucessful in our lives and to tell those racist, stereotypical people that we are not what you think we are. We are more than loud, annoying, greasy-haired, KFC eating, kool-aid drinking, dirty 'animals'. We are human beings and shouldn't be treated like we are dirt.

White guy: OMG I HATE black people they are so lazy and stupid!
Sophisticated Black guy: Excuse me sir, do you know someone of African-American descent?
White guy: No, why would I want to?
Sophisticated Black guy:So how could you judge someone so wrongly just because of their race?
White guy: idc about what you say, It's not like it matters, gosh you stupid black guy.

10 years later....... White guy is poor and stuff and Black guy is rich and succesful

Black guy: I believe I met you 10 years ago, you said that all blacks were lazy and stupid. Look at how wrong you were!

by NotAGhettoBlackGirl March 31, 2011

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Easter People

One hell of a great Festival where Christains unite and do amazing things, its a life changer.

I am saved from sin "If the son sets you free you will be free indeed" John Chapter 8 verse 36 (I think)

by Nate April 10, 2005

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bad people

A person that is inconsiderate, selfish, rude, liar, Donald J. Trump, and a person that can be 2 faced

Dbdbsheh is a bad person and is a part of the bad people because they gave me nothing for all of the hard work I did and they told me they would give me something

by zfno February 28, 2018

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Pod People

Generally, pod people are considered to be smaller than normal human beings, but are an alien race living amongst us. They recharge their power cells by returning to their pods, this is something they must do at least once every week. Their task in being sent to Earth is to find small women who they will be able to 'pod' with. They then preform unknown mating rituals within the pod, resulting in new pod people, and the conversion of the human woman into a pod person, with her own pod. Characteristics of pod people are: long noses, gambling, short temper, preference for feminine alcoholic drinks, large black desk chairs, small women, and going to the gym. Beware of any person that fits this description, if you are a woman, men are generally safe from 'podding,' since the woman pod people are unable to 'pod' with human males.

Developmental Stages:
Most newly born pod people cannot function outside of their pod until around 7 Earth years old. They can jet around the universe at near relativistic speeds, and must settle on a planet with life by the age of 10 Earth years. If they do not, then they will outgrow their pod and be forced to climb out, and die a cold death in the vast void of the universe.
If they are able to reach a planet, they will hibernate in orbit of the planet until they are exactly 10 years old in Earth years. On their 10th birthday, they will crash land into the planet. Upon crash landing, they will begin to grow a new, adult-sized pod, and will finish this stage after 5 more Earth years. Pod People emerge from undergroung on their 15th birthday. When they emerge, they will live amongst the natives, feeding on native food and trying to pod with females. They will become parasites of the dominant race of the planet, podding with females to create more pod people.
A pod person's life span tends to exceed that of normal terrestrial species, due to the recharging abilities of the pod. But, the pod usually runs out of its recharging ability near its 500th Earth year of existence, so pod people tend to die after around 515 years and 1 week of life.

If you believe to be in contact with a pod person, make sure to tell all females of the pod person's status, and make sure that they WILL NOT 'pod' with them at any time. This is a parasitic race which needs to be exterminated. They have been known to use the movie 'love actually' as an aphrodisiac to lure females into their pod.

WOW, Andrew is such a Pod Person, fag."

"Goodness, I hate Pod People"

by John Tits January 7, 2008

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