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Skin her back

to burn out in a vehicle

somebody: Skin 'er back!
somebody else's car: Wroom, Wroom, sqquuueeeeellll!!!

by Slowmo November 10, 2003

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horrible waste of skin

One who is considered so sub-societal, that they are thought of to be non-human.

See: Chase Rodrigue

"Chase Rodrigue is such a waste of skin"

by Rob. February 2, 2003

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Salmon Skin Roll

Complete awareness; Total state of awareness. Coming from from the japanese fighting style, Karate. When you have achieved Unagi, you can defend & prepare yourself from any danger at any given moment.

Rachael has salmon skin roll.

by Homes_01 December 4, 2020

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Bag of fore-skins

1. Truly repulsive looking male or female.

2. A head that resembles a plastic bag full of circumcised fore-skins.

3. To feel very very bad after a hard nights partying.

1. She has a head like a bag of fore-skins!

2. I probably shouldnt have had those 5 shots of jameson last night, i feel like a bag of fore-skins today.

by tguimond October 4, 2007

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silk skin

A silk skin is when you hide your lunch money in your sock to avoid it being stolen from bigger kids. Its origin comes from slang used by smaller kids who often have their lunch money stolen.

Oh, I thought I lost my lunch money, but I was just (whisper) "silk skining".

by Zane Randalll February 20, 2008

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buck skin

A "naked" penis, usu. involving sexual relations.

That chick gives buck skin blowjobs.

by B.H.C.78 March 16, 2010

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Baby Bird Skin

Someone who is so light skinned, that they are almost translucent much like a baby bird.

Michael is so white that I can see his veins, he's a real baby bird skin.

by CocoSantango September 19, 2010

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