A person that has to feed the squirrels because they cant see.
Brian Davis, to the squirrel feeder.
The squirrles are hungery, Brian Davis, come feed them, you Syuirrel Feeder!
A person that lives at multiple firehouse in an effort to actually make it above the poverty line in the EMS world. Normally they are EMTs, but paramedics and firefighters have been know to adapt this behavior in lower paying arenas.
Also; when a rival fire company takes a call out of district. The would not be dispatched on the initial call, but would mysteriously appear as "the closest unit." When confronted; the normal response is: " well, we gotta eat, too!"
Damn firehouse squirrels.
C15 totally squirreled that call.
Get out of our district you damn squirrels.
I'm just a squirrel looking for a nut!
An old fashioned term for being pregnant
"Yoooo, I heard that chick's with squirrel"
An American derogatory term for a Russian female. Can be used interchangeably with the term "homewrecker."
"Poor Joe, he seems really depressed."
"His girlfriend just left him. She was a nesting squirrel."
The strings of goo that form between sex organs as they come apart. Like the splitting of slices of hot pizza, think strings of cheese. Typically found on gay men whose nut sacks have fused and are pulled apart.
"Ah Frederick, did you see the squirrel butter on our testicles the other night? The strands were very long."
A phrase to say when someone says a phrase wrong; A phrase to say when someone says a phrase in the wrong context.
"That was the wrong antique squirrel!"