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The Tyra Banks Show

A crazy talk show hosted by Tyra Banks. It constantly changes subject, talks about fitness and teenage girl problems. Tyra solves problems by makeovers and fantasy makeovers, which are pretty awesome.

"did you see the Tyra Banks show last night?"
"the one with dancing judges or the one where Tyra gave a makeover to a women who's son had cancer?"

by the_extra_inch_in_your_pants January 14, 2010

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The Eminem Show

A show that consists of eminem continuing to make himself look worse by pissing off a bunch of soccer moms that have nothing better to do that complain that their son/daughter is smarter than they will ever be

by *********** March 29, 2003

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show me yours i'll show you mine

younger humans getting/giving a personal show of their 'treasures'...something to make the most liberal parent 'squirm'

we were playing show me yours i'll show you mine; in an abandoned shotgun shack.

by michael foolsley December 2, 2009

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Show Some Pussay!!

This is a perfect pickup line for a stoner because it straight up cuts to the subject without wasting time.This pick up can also be used when two girls are making out and always increses the chances of seeing some pussay.This was widely used in the persian jersey shore in south padre.

Pauly:"Yo where are Toney and Sandy Cheecks?"
Armani:"They went to tell this girl to show some pussay!! real quick"

by Nik Armi May 3, 2010

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one woman show

basically meaning that a girl wants to be the only in a guy's life... love/relationship wise.

Guy: So what do you think about us having a threesome?

Girl: No thanks hun, I'm just a one woman show.

It can also refer to a guy hanging out with a girl and her not wanting to have other girls hang out with them.

by Darling Eve July 24, 2008

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show him wag1

when you want someone to bang someone you say show this guy wag1

nhjk: this guys tryin it

gfjfd: wat shall i do

nhjk: yo, show him wag1

by kiidynamite_like_skadoosh December 3, 2009

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The Eminem Show

The CDs make a half-decent but shiny roofing material. And that's just about it.

by Anonymous May 20, 2003

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