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Straight bullshit

When something happens that doesn't happen to anyone else but you

Sharkeisha: man that fight was some straight bullshit can you believe they locked me up just for that?!?

by Thatdarkskin November 30, 2013

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Double Straight

Being so confident in your sexuality, that you fake being others just for fun, but also, to flex your ultra heterosexuality.

"Yo, did you hear about Todd?" "No what did he do?" "He got into Megan's sleepover, he convinced them he was gay." "Holy sh*t, that's double straight."

by sneakymanbeingsneaky December 27, 2019

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Super Straight

Super straight is the sexuality that means you are only attracted to the opposite sex that are born that way.This means you are not attracted to transgender people

Transgender Women:Are you attracted to me?

Super straight man:No, because my sexuality is being super straight meaning I only am attracted to women who are straight and are born women.This does not mean I don’t like you as a person though

by MichaelDaTruth March 6, 2021

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Super Straight

A sin.

β€˜I’m super straight’ - an idiot
β€˜Your a fucking joke’ - anyone with common sense

by Lila πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ March 29, 2021

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super straight

you defined yourself as super straight when you never felt a woman touch, and your genitals are bellow average

person1: Hey, are you super straight?
person2: Yeah, but i am still proud about it

by stankomasina March 10, 2021

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Super Straight

Adj. A man or woman who is only sexually attacked to the opposite gender.

Person 1: β€œI’m gay.”
Person 2: β€œI didn’t ask, but thank you for needlessly telling people your sexual orientation. I’m Super Straight.”
Person 1: *Rethinks life and compulsion to tell people about their own sexual orientation.”

by SesualChocolate April 27, 2022

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A "sexuality" made by transphobic heterosexuals that's simply just being straight with a preference for cisgenders

Super-straight emerged somewhere in TikTok and was passed on by transphobic trolls on social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Many Discord trolls also use this term to ignite drama with transgender people.

If you see one of these kinds of people, ignore them at all costs.

Person 1: I'm super-straight!
Person 2: Stop being transphobic you fucking bitch.
Person 1: How dare you act superphobic!
Person 2: It's literally just being straight but preferring cis people over transgenders.

by [massive skill issue] Robo November 22, 2021

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