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Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a website where you can find out/upload definitions of any words you want and is all to be taken as a joke, with no harm.

Unfortunately overly politically correct people still come on it and are offended by absolutely everything, pity they don't know what a joke is.

It's mid-night, boredom strikes... time to have a laugh on Urban Dictionary!

by Stewart Lee September 25, 2012

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The Urban Dictionary

What is Urban Dictionary? Urban Dictionary is a website you are at now. It is a total waste of time. In Urban Dictionary, RANDOM PEOPLE post meanings of other RANDOM PEOPLE which they 99.9999999999999999999% don't know. But sometimes people get happy while listening to praises of their own.

Yay! Someone said that I'm pretty in The Urban Dictionary!!! I'm so happy.

by Oopsies!!! November 30, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

The dictionary of everything retarded.
Can be edited by non members to impose hate on other Humans, religeous groups, or others with different sexual preferences.

Though it is used like a cheap whore for students to shout retarded comments to one another, only once in a while are the entries even partially entertaining (see kory, lol, ect.).

Urban Dictionary is the Fail Network.

Your mom uses Urban Dictionary.

You get all your whiney come-backs from the Urban Dictionary?

Urban Dictionary = Epic waste of Bandwith

by Hell Angel January 25, 2009

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Urban Dictionary

A website with a minimal amount of useful information, but where a lot of kids with too much time post completely made-up bullshit terms that they hope will catch on, and about topics of which they know sweet-fuck-all - such as SEX. Examples include cock-taco, donkey-punch, chili-dog, space-docking, and any other ridiculous scenario that could only transpire in the fantasies of a desperate virgin.

#1: Dude! Last night I shit on this girl's tits then I rubbed my dick in it then I made her suck my cock! It was awesome!!

#2: Dude, totally, me too I love that shit it's so funny! We should call it something and put it on Urban Dictionary! But for now I'm gonna go play WOW and jack off in my parents' basement!

by One-time contributor January 1, 2011

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Urban Dictionary

A person who uses a lot of words from the golrious site known as urbandictionary.com

Guy#1: That kid constantly uses hip slang terms from urbandictionary.com

Guy#2: Yah, hes such an urban dictionary

by strikemasterice April 13, 2009

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Urban Dictionary

A website that doesn't post my submissions. Because they refuse to post anything that defames their shitty website or anything I come up with, I'm going to spam and troll the hell out of them everyday. I dare you faggots. You don't like spam, well get ready for a shit load of it assholes.

Prepare to be extremely annoyed, urban dictionary.

by FilthyMexicanJesusMan aka FMJM February 12, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

a dictionary where you can add
your own definitions and make up
words usually in slang or ghetto
street talk.
can be also used to talk shit about
others and a good dose of shit about yourself.
wide usage by those who can't get
a real job as a PROFESSIONAL writer.

"let's go flood Urban Dictionary with definitions cuz I'm the man"

dipshit's sidekick:
"yeah yeah and we can post an extension bout my dick size"

by FCUKaLot August 19, 2008

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