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Tumble Weeds

those things that blow by in tv shows when something is abbandoned or nothings happening...

-i'm bored
-ya there's nothing to do
-look there goes a tumble weed we must be in the middle of nothingville!
-fo sizzle!

by coca October 31, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

weed wedgie

what you get when you are super paranoid and carry your weed in your underpants for a week.

"ahahahaha lulu has a weed wedgie."

by lauren August 31, 2003

15๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

dill weed

Poor qulity marijuana, reefer, weed, pot, 420, skunk, etc. etc.

WalterBailey broke out his swag bag and wanted to add some of his reefer to Willie Joes blunt, Willie Joe exclaimed, "Yo get that schwag bag full of dill weed the hell away from my blunt bitch!" "Dat shit be some serious dill weed!" WalterBailey cried and said "I'm so uncool".

by WalterBailey November 12, 2007

52๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghost Weed

(1)Marijuana usually laced with other drugs (PCP,Crystal Meth, heroin, embalming fluid) to make the high hit harder. Basically, the Marijuana version of a Dipper.

(2) Counterfeit Marijuana that is simply regular grass with household chemicals to give you a funny high. Made by drug dealers who feel that they can make it cheaply at the price of regular marijuana.

(1) Jake is tripping off of that ghost weed he bought outside.

(2) They beat up that drug dealer after they found it was nothing but Ghost Weed

by F-40 February 28, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

weeded out

when a room is so full of smoke and the smell of pot that one is unable to enter without suffocating.

"My buddy was smoking grass in my room yesterday, it smelled terrible. I got weeded out and had to bunk with Johnny."

by Two Fry February 7, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

weed buffet

Buffet of Marijuana. Copius amounts of cannabis. Usually used to describe a bowl, joint or blunt of different strains of the Cannabis Sativa and Indica plants.

Max: Hey, Matt! Would you like to try this weed buffet? It has strawberry cough on the left and Ricki's quote, un-quote "Piff"!
Matt: Gee WOULD I!
Tia: Peace BABY!

by Max Harris November 26, 2007

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Facebook Weeding

The act of removing unnecessary friends from your facebook page.

Yeah, I was getting too many Farmville posts so I had to do some Facebook Weeding.

by gtto July 24, 2010

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