When someone simultaneously gets “fishhooked” in the mouth and has their “oil checked” rectally.
Adam: What happened to Pedro last night?
Steve: He got omega-3’d.
Adam: What?
Pedro: I don’t want to talk about it.
Soren is such an amazing Person and I Love him so much and I’m so great full to have him In My life he’s So amazing And Always helps out, always comforts ppl :>
“I love Soren <3”
3-methylmethcathinone, aka meow meow or poes, is a relatively new designer drug that can be snorted. it is popular in western europe. the formula is C11H15NO.
it’s working is described as a light form of xtc. from personal experience, either you hate it or you love it.
i tried 3-mmc a few days ago. i have the worst hangover.
A guy that simps on Roblox for a guy called “kiierst”, spends hours dancing with this so called trap and loves watching her battle. If you ever see MrMustache<3, the extent of how down he is will legit pull you down with him and make you simp for a Roblox e-boy
I pulled a MrMustache<3, met up with a girl on Roblox and proceeded to get raped and robbed by 3 30 year old men.
a filling of happiness when your with someone. when you look at some and cant take your eyes off them. when someone gives you a felling of butterflies in your stomach.
"did you see that girl Chloe d shes in love <3 with Braydens mom" stayted by bob
"so is isabela!!!!!" responded jullly
Meow :3 can be used in a way to tell someone that you want to have hardcore sexual intercourse with them
I love her.
I can talk to them about everything without being scared of getting judged. She is the best Human being and the most prettiest on top. They make me smile so much like nobody else that it’s giving me such an motivation just to be alive. They are the truely best person I ever meet in my whole damn life. She is so prefect her hair, her smile, her laugh, her character and just everything is just so perfect. They’re making me blush so much words can’t really explain how much. She is so caring always asking me why I don’t feel good . There voice makes my heart flattered. Smiling while talking to her or talking to someone about them is just making life so much better.
H<3 is My Seonghwa <3