When the Crypto Market crashes “Load Z Dump”
Is a common sentence used from a meme
A transliteration from Chinese buzzword 折腾 (zhe teng), which means "to be tormented by endless turning left and turning right and turning left and turning right", "to be tormented by endless going back and forth", or figuratively, "to be tormented by toing and froing", "to piss people around".
Don't Z-turn! Let's keep it simple!
A transliteration from Chinese buzzword 折腾 (zhe teng), which means "to be tormented by restless turning left and turning right and turning left and turning right", "to be tormented by going back and forth", or figuratively, "to be tormented by toing and froing", "to piss people around".
Don't Z-turn! Let's keep it simple!
Z-turn is from 折腾 (zheteng) in Chinese,it means "flip-flop", "get sidetracked", "sway back and forth", "dithering" and "major changes". The word was famously used by a Chinese leader in 2009 by saying "Bu Zheteng" in Chinese (Don't do zheteng, meaning don't get sidetracked). Online conversation between educated people tends to use "Z-turn" (pronunciation is close to zheteng) to replace zheteng to avoid censorship since the word was once used by a former Chinese leader.
Look, the Government is making a z-turn again.
It's just a z-turn.
Don't do a z-turn, it won't get you anywhere!
When your friend whose name starts with Y has been cheating on her boyfriend with a guy she met 3 weeks ago.
Total Bit*h Behavior!
she's X-Z(EX-ZEE), Don't associate with her!
to go to sleep.
other examples - hit the hay, turn it in, etc.
“aye, i’m about to ride them z’s, you sleep well!”
Also: WXYZ
The slowest part of the alphabet, comprising the last four letters.
Antonym: LMNOP
Q, R, S, T, U, V / W, X, Y, and Z
Now I know my ABCs / next time, won’t you sing with me?