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Bread Boi

Bread boi is the best boi, he protect the woman in Minecraft by giving her food.and killing the monsters

He is my bread boi

by Luck Of Stars May 7, 2019

Rondebosch Boy

A fragment of man who enjoys pleasuring young boys. The middle class of the land. Who are bound to fail miserably at getting anyputang’ in all situations.

- “Why I isn’t gettin dat pussy?”

Friend - “Mate, Your probably a Rondebosch Boy”

“Omg, Ew! Whats that!?
- “Relax Rebecca its just a Rondebosch Boy”

by TimKook June 11, 2021

Joshua Boy

Slang term for a pussified male. Basically a fruity young widdle wimpy fag-boy.

Are you going to take your cousin Jamie hunting? Nah bro, don't bring him, he ain't nothin' but a lil Joshua Boy. He'd cry like a baby the whole time, just cause he couldn't shoot one deer.

by Charmouche July 1, 2017

Neko boy

A Nekoboy is male individual in anime that possesses cat ears (or nekomimi which literally translates to “cat ears”, and people prefer to call them that) or a cat tail. ... Also has something to do with something mischievous that piques the interest of the said individual.

Person 1: Damn, I saw a hot Neko boy today

Person 2: You're into that?

Person 1: Yes. I am

by Rean_Tokley May 10, 2021

x boy

dripped from head to toe, probs wearing something from playboi carti or travis scott, dresses in either dark or bright colors, his closet consists of denim jackets, allover hoodies and sweatpants, puffer jackets and leather pants with either yeezys or torn jeans with a shirt and some nikes with accessories mixed with an edgy/futuristic vibe.

brands included but are not limited to: palm angels, v-lone and freshjive.

"woah that guy's puffer jacket is huge, and is that the newest nike drop on his feet?"

"that's an x boy dude."

by OK HOW ABOUT NO May 6, 2021

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strappy boy


1. A male who is cursed with only appealing to women either young enough to be called jailbait or old enough to be grandmothers. Said males often find this very disturbing and don't know whether to count the attention as good or bad.

2. A male who is only found attractive by females he has no intention of dating or sleeping with.

"I went to the mall with my new jeans and I only got looks from the schoolgirls and old ladies. Why do the hot ones just ignore me?" "I guess you're just a strappy boy."

by Strappy November 18, 2006

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Jeddawi boy

A group of people from Jeddah, they are usually annoying, douche, bratty, fuckboy, spoiled, or short

Person 1: hey man did you see that guy flirting with that girl?
Person 2: oh that’s a “Jeddawi boy”
Person 1: such a douche

by somerandomgigachad April 1, 2022

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