When diehard party-goers who superstitiously believe that the coronavirus is scared of ghosts are required by the authorities to wear a “frightening” mask to remind onlookers that the virus won’t take a break just because it is Halloween.
Unlike Muslim-majority countries that ban Halloween because it is against Islamic teachings, a number of Western nations are allowing the “infidel“ festival to proceed provided the organizers strictly enforce Covid-👻 rules.
A girl with beautiful eyes wearing a mask but can't see the rest of her mug to determine if she is truly good looking or a butterface.
Yo, that girls got bangin covid eyes
When you are arguing constantly with your partner while stuck together during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
We weren't arguing, it was more of a COVID conversation.
When you have cabin fever to the point were all you want is a quick switch from vaginal to anal intercourse in 30 seconds repeating the process until the fever has lifted.
Dude I haven't been out in forever, I did a good old Covid Popper on her now she dont walk right.
When you develope man titties from smoking too much weed and eating too much food during the COVID-19 pandemic
"Man, that new batch of Granddaddy Purple and some Taco Bell has given me a strong case of COVID titties"
v. When you get the Rona for a second time.
After my 14-day quarantine in the hospital I went out into the world. I didn't recover, instead I re-COVID.
when it's covid times and you're exhausted.
dont bother him, hes taking a covid nap.