Source Code

Burn Match

When two individuals say mean things about, and to, each other. Usually employed in a teasing, friendly way.

2. Example of a burn match
"I'll be designated driver tonight"
"Thanks for being my DD"
"I'm the only "double D" you're ever gonna get."
"Well, I'd rather have no tits, than an ass that looks like you sat in cottage cheese."
"Hey, my ass wouldn't look so bad if it was hammered by dirty arab pool cleaners everyday, like yours." - BURN MATCH WINNER!!

by darkabove April 30, 2005

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burn it downski

To smoke marijuana. Another way to say "burn it down"

"Yo son, you wanna burn it downski"

by james kil July 6, 2008

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cooter burn

razon burn on your down stairs...dont use alcohol

she shaved her downstairs and little inchy bumps appeared...she now has cooter burn

by brittcollins19 January 20, 2008

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skull burn

the dry nasally tasteof bone in your nose and mouth right when you start peaking on acid..

hey man,that dry boney taste in your mouth is skull burn thats why its dry in your nasal passage to

by Metomika April 5, 2006

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Burning Lands

A kingdom in El PAso Texas, that is the oldest kingdom in amtgard. Due to the lithium in the water supply, The officers of this park tend to be self important, and lack basic grasps on normal sanity. Often leads to living in mothers basement, or other insanity. Fighters from this kingdom often are thrown off of the field in other places, due to using lead pipes covered with duct tape as weapons.

Also often reffered to as the "bastard step child of Dragonspine."

Place : A kingdom in El Paso, Texas, that is the oldest kingdom in Amtgard. Due to the lithium in the water supply, The officers of this park tend to be self important, and lack basic grasps on normal sanity. Often leads to living in mothers basement, or other insanity. Fighters from this kingdom often are thrown off of the field in other places, due to using lead pipes covered with duct tape as weapons.

Also often referred to as the "bastard step child of Dragon spine."

by William Skitt December 20, 2004

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Jap Burn

Word used to describe the sensation while shitting out spicy mexican food until your asshole begins to look like th big red spot on the Japanese Flag

I need some vaseline for my nasty case of Jap burn.

by BlackBlazin94 March 2, 2007

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burning the rope

screwing a sexy girl that has red down stairs hair

"OH DAMN Kate Walsh, tonight were burning the rope!!!"

by kingolav1994 September 21, 2011

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