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When one giraffe looking guy with pterodactyl toes tries to suck everyone off at the sobriety house

Chad sucks wiener

by J828 June 24, 2024


Country in Africa whose flag is too similar to the Romanian flag

I heard Chad and Romania have similar flags

by MemesDude February 7, 2024


Chad is a creative loving person/Boy.He loves music he loves his mother.Got a little bit of anger issues.He loves having fun and joking around with his friends/familyand is very (intelligent)He coo he handsome.People stay hating on him and laughing at him not knowing he will be something big in life And he stay up to date with things.

Chad is awesome.

by Euy November 20, 2023


Your average, loyal, white, American Joe. He’ll be there for you. There’s nothing incredibly hot about his appearance, but still, he’s the kind of guy you’d want to be with.

Oh, you know Derrick, he’s a Chad.

by CowboyJak December 9, 2024


In the incel world, a caricature of a sexually successful man. Many incels believe they are genetically inferior to "Chads".

"Chad" is often depicted as a successful guy with swathes of blonde hair and pulsating muscles (which he shows off in neon green trousers). He has a sports car, but more than that, he also possesses a physical attribute incels envy: a chiselled jaw line.

I hate to tell you, but she is out there fucking a "Chad"

by plaftploft April 11, 2022


Chad is the most handsome guy you will ever meet, he is sweet and caring and you would be lucky to know him. His abs are the ones that would be on Jesus. I love a Chad so much

Friend : do you love Chad?

Cae: yes I do

by Donkey kick 29391001 July 16, 2022


Chad goes against your normal definitions, for one he is the hottest man I know and two he cares about you like no other. He isn’t always perfect and doesn’t have the greatest past, but even through everything he still turned out pretty great. He is nice and considerate, a little passive aggressive but sweet to the people he loves,

“Chadipoo I love you

by Donkey kick 29391001 December 15, 2022