What you call a really sexist, opinionated and fascist person. Someone who thinks it's fine to poke fun at women ALL the time, in a really disgusting way, but gets all upset and hurt when someone says something he doesn't like.
A: that Urban Dictionary over there just tried to stick a camera up my skirt and said I was overreacting when I told him to fuck off.
B: oh yeh, I know him, he's a total Bill Gates
The urban dictionary is what the oxford english dictionary would have turned out like, if it had attended an inner city comp. The oxford english dictionary clearly received a private, priviliged education where it could just get on with being smart and get the grades to go to Oxbridge. The urban dictionary had to survive on its wits alone.
Is that an urban dictionary? No its the oxford english wearing nike airs.
A online source of nonsense that i still read
The Urban Dictionary is full or trash but still funny
1. Awkward.
2. A website gives definitions to sheltered home schoolers who don't know any slang terms. At all.
3. You're using it right now stupid.
George: "Hey Frank, you know what a blowjob is?"
Frank: "Nope but there's this site you can look it up on, Urban dictionary"
George: "What the heck?! ...Oh crap it's my mom! Close it out!"
It is this website where it was a good site until 2005 the definitions were about p0rn and s3x. WHY URBAN DICTIONARY WHY
Example 1-Y/N:*looks up muffin*
Urban Dictionary:A girls vagina
Y/N:I first thought it was a food
Example 2-In 2003: A watermelon is a fruit blah blah blah...
Now: A watermelon is a term for cum
Aw come on, you don't know what Urban Dictionary is? You're on it right now! Just look up a word you have no idea what the definition is, and just look at the definition. It's that simple!
"Urban Dictionary is a pretty good, funny, and weird dictionary"