Fat fucking bitch who nobody likes or appreciates
An intelligent, strong and independent beautiful lady who always want to speak to the manager. She stands for her right and isn't easily intimidated
"that woman talking to the manager looks so independent"
"Yes her name is Karen"
Teacher: what's a group of crows class?
Student: a murder of crows!
Teacher: very good!
Other student: what's a group of Karen's?
Teacher: that is a complaint
Someone who doesn't give a fuck about your well-being.
Karen: Fuck you!
A blonde bitch who needs the manager all the time.
Karen: I'd like to speak to your manager!
?: Ok Karen...
A rich girl who has very nice branded and expensive shoes. She also has a small dog. Everyone loves Karen and finds her very funny. She tends to be the funny one who makes everything fun even if it is Boring.
Karen is pretty rich and has a lot of money