Opposite of "low key; Something known about by a large amount of people. Not on the low down.
Everybody high lock knows that I'm going to that party tonight.
When you drag your testicles down someone’s back and then insert the penis in the rectum
Hey man I’ve feeling horny, wanna try lock and load.
Big black man. Most likely from Africa or the southern part of America.
Is Joshua a shong lock dong?
(1) Internal intestine erruption due to the instant tightning of the anus. This deadly virus has been known to strike fags, bullshitters, jack-asses, dumb-assess, and assholes world-wide. But the most common cause is that fucking bitch debby.
(2) The locking of the anus intentionally to prevent any unwanted items from entering or escaping. Normally used in conjuction with a jerksqueeze or the lock-n-pop.
(1) It was determined that Bob, after all that shit talk, was infected with colon lock and would die a pretty shitty death.
(2) Colon lock is a widly used technique in prison and has been known to reduce the risk of gayness.
When a door will only open by someone slamming into it. Like a zombie staggering forward.
Tom's front door was Zombie Locked so he could only open it by dropping all his weight into the handle.
Putting sometype of lock into someone's gauge earrings. Tip: best targets are people at Hot Topic.
Josh went gauge locking yesterday, he bolted as soon as somebody realized.
A Springlock Failure is the event in which a Springlock Suit's spring loaded devices keeping the animatronic as a suit snaps shut, resetting it back into an animatronic with a wearer inside, typically crushing the wearer to death. Springlock Failures are often caused by moisture, heavy breathing, or failure to correctly set up the springlocks.
"And if you trigger those spring locks, two things will happen: first the locks themselves will snap right into you, making deep cuts all over your body, and a split second later, all the animatronic parts, all that sharp steel and hard plastic will instantly be driven into your body. You will die, but it will be slow. You’ll feel your organs punctured, the suit will grow wet with your blood, and you will know you’re dying for long, long minutes. You’ll try to scream, but you will be unable to: your vocal cords will be severed, and your lungs will fill with your own blood until you drown in it." -William Afton describing a Spring lock Failure, The Silver Eyes