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Molly and George

Both have agurment but are very closes and cute , both get jealous but love each other more than anything. George has amazing hair with great volume , and Molly has the most amazing figure. Molly has a big crush on the size of something on George's body

Molly and George : the fattest cunts

"Molly- get it back out sexy "

by Dndbfndhfnffnfjdndndjs bf January 20, 2018

Molly Dorey

The most annoying lesbian in your school, most likely a feminist activist who cries when people eat non vegan products

"Shut up man, you dated Molly Dorey"

by Swede4P October 9, 2022

molly chase

a loser with no life :)

molly chase - an ugly rat hole

by kkaci shorts January 13, 2018

Mollie gender

where ur too emotionally unstable to process anything or anyone

I decided I am now mollie gender

by Fortniteboy2024 December 7, 2018

Molly Oasis

The definition of sensuality mixed with class. She can dance and sing and is so witty, she will have you laughing all night. She will take you somewhere you didn't even know exists and make you forget how dark and cruel this world can be. She is like a drug and a beautiful place to rest your weary soul all in one. You wouldn't dare hurt her or anyone she loves because somehow it will come back on you and you will be sure to regret it.

"Did you see Molly Oasis last Saturday?"
"Yeah it was like a dream."

by Jjrandstone May 4, 2021

Molly Park

Fighting while high on methylenedioxymethamphetamine aka MDMA/Ecstacy/Molly.

"I'm fighting when I'm off the Ecstacy-That's a Molly Park, yeah"
-Jarad Higgins

by TheRralBirdmansFiratCousinGreg March 5, 2024

molly and oliver

a god-tier couple, two very sexy individuals

Girl 1- did you see that couple?
girl 2- yeah, they’re such a molly and oliver

by mollomollo September 28, 2021