Source Code



The screenplay or written text of the animated comedy film titled "Bee Movie," released in 2007 and produced by DreamWorks Animation. The script follows the story of a bee named Barry B. Benson who sues the human race for stealing honey from bees. It is known for its quirky humor, clever wordplay, and satirical commentary on environmental and societal issues. The Bee Movie Script has gained popularity beyond the film itself, with various phrases and lines becoming internet memes and cultural references.

Example: The Bee Movie Script has become a source of entertainment and nostalgia for many, with its memorable dialogues and humorous situations being widely quoted and shared online.

by this is totally sooooooo true August 19, 2023

bee movie script

the whole bee movie script is in tags

bee movie script in tags

by Megilv June 18, 2024

Bee movie script

The longest script known in the entire multiverse.

Jack: Hey Jimmy, what was the Bee movie script again?

86 years later...

Jimmy: ...and that's the bee movie script. Jack? Jack, where are y- Oh damn he's dead.

by crazedLunatic May 11, 2022

Bee Yan'kyaa

A person with an other-worldy amount of charisma and charm. Also commonly known by these names: The Darkest Knight, The King of Babylon and YoungPerpendicularQuarter

Girl 1: "Omg have you seen Bee Yan'kyaa lately"
Girl 2: "Ofc he's the greatest oat girly period."

by YoungPerpendicularQuarter December 15, 2023

Bee Yan'kyaa

the most handsome person in existence who oozes charisma at all times. he is also a professional fortnite and counter blox player who beat bugha in the fn world cup finals. he is also a skilled basketball player with a 100% guarantee of making a 3 pointer, also with expert dribbling and defending in conclusion this is a great guy ( i am 6'4 with dreads and a hellcat, here i come ladies 😼)

"Bee Yan'kyaa thanks for lending me $1 billion dollars, 12 mansions and a lamborghini"
" no problem sport"

by YoungPerpendicularQuarter March 25, 2024

busy little bee

Subversive citizen of the Roman Empire, belonging to the Patrician social class.

Tell me what you've been doing, busy little bee, or I shall strike down those dearest to you. You shall watch as I bathe in their blood.

by best at the words June 9, 2024

flabby bee

A person who is ridiculously flabby. usually pertaining to Keegan's sister.

i hate that person she is such a flabby bee

by cskarl1 January 26, 2011