it’s about drive it’s about power
it’s about drive it’s about power (Liam)
A gay kid who has a little 1.5 inch dick. Liam gets all the men drooling over him and all the men really want a taste of that little dick.
Ohh James look at Liam he’s so hot I just want a little taste of that tiny dick.
I know right he’s so hot isn’t he Ryan.
A Liam is a person of petite structure with a below-average sized 'JUNK', ranging from the size 5.49 - 5.5 inches long, lacking in the girth department.
Guy1: OMG did you see the guy with the small 'JUNK'?
Guy2: LMAO, YES! He must be a Liam.
liam is a very attractive individual who may or may not have a huge dick ... i know this due to his grey joggers and his raging confidence when horny. AS well this his fingies are rather long leaving us women paraletic from the waist down. Finally, he does have amazing hair not just on his head .
what a guy.
Dam liam fuck you give a great hand
he is a really short gay asf guy that no one likes
but he is a good person
A description of a sentence that someone says that is extremely stupid, filled with words that don't belong.
John: Build a trapdoor in your kitchen where guests sit, so you can kill your enemies without them suspecting a thing.
Markus: Why would I have my dinner with my friend?
John: That is such a Liam thing to say.