Source Code

Pimp Steady

Keep doing what you're doing pimp.

boy1 - Ay, dawg... i'm bout to leave.

boy2- I'll holla.

boy1 - Okay,pimp steady, ya heard?

by I. Jackson December 7, 2004

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Pimp Effect

The dominance and influence assumed by a sole male in the presence of a group of multiple females. Females become dependent and the "pimp" can easily bend their will, as a group, becoming the group leader. Subsequently, the "pimp" himself begins playing a more active role in group decisions. This effect is exaggerated when females are in unfamiliar territory. Signs include, but are not limited to, frequent finger snaps by the "pimp", the group taking a "v" formation with pimp acting as head goose, and improvement of "pimp's" posture, with head held high and chest out exemplifying his dominance.

Despite Tom's usual timid behavior, he walked through streets confidently with Jessica, Brooke, Maria, and Shaniqua. His change in behavior was due to the pimp effect.

by bigpimpin1 January 31, 2011

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christmas pimp

selling out of christmas! money hustle anywhere and everywhere, disguising itself as worship of jesus

i work in retail, this time of year i feel like a christmas pimp!

those merchandisers are out there trying to christmas pimp the people!

by michael foolsley December 3, 2009

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Pimp Chip

A pimp chip is an implant that makes you in to Chief Slappahoe

Ever since Mark had his pimp chip installed he has been carrying a cane and has developed a propensity for ho slapping.

by Stomp Box July 13, 2011

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Pimp limpin

When you and the boys all have erectile dysfunction.

โ€œYo John we really need some viagra, me and the bois are pimp limpinโ€

by ItsBigBucks May 25, 2020

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Pimp cane

1. the cane a pimp uses to help him walk because he has aids

2. the cane a pimp uses to help him walk because he has aids and that conceals a wand (the kind of wand that has magical powers and is made out of wood with a special core)

Hay there Lucius, hows the dark lord? Was he the one who gave you the pimp cane?

by luciusmalfoy November 7, 2009

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myspace pimping

(v) - When an individual, usually a loser or a pretty boy who just got dumped, goes on Myspace and looks for girls -- generally in his area -- and proceeds to "mack" on them on their myspace.

- Yo, I heard Dominick got dumped by Julia.

- Yeah, he's Myspace Pimping now.

- Hah! What a fag.

by AC August 3, 2006

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