Source Code

Drug Dealer's Phone

A mobile phone often used by drug dealers because it is cheap, easy to replace and it doesn't attract unnecessary attention to the owner.

Phones such as the Nokia bricks, Samsungs and Alcatel are all regularly used by drug dealers.

Ben gets his nokia 3310 out and sends a text. Andy approaches him.

Andy: Can I get a quarter ounce?
Ben: A quarter ounce What?
Andy: Some weed

Ben: I don't sell drugs.

Andy: But your phone.

Ben: What about it?
Andy: It's a drug dealer's phone.

Ben: What!
Andy: Yeah, only drug dealers use old crappy phones.

Ben: Screw you it's retro!
Andy: Listen man can I please get high.

Ben: I'm not a drug dealer!
Andy: Okay. Do you know anybody?
Ben: Yeah I know a guy.

by Sieffy October 30, 2016

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Head-phone Intestines

when you stick your headphones in your poket and they somehow manage to get all fuck-tangled in your poket, making them resemble intestines

Jake: Let's listen to Job For A Cowboy!

Tom: well i would if my headphones weren't all Head-phone Intestines

by Rockandrolljunkiie February 25, 2009

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Phone Sleep Over

what weird, perfect couples do

Jack: Phone Sleep Over?
Jill: Sure!

Jack: Goodnight!
Jill: Goodnight!

Jack: Goodmorning!
Jill: Goodmorning! <3

by kittentoitle January 4, 2012

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Cell Phone Stretch

A common exercise among high school and college students whose classroom is in a building with bad digital reception. While attempting to send a text message, a student may need to discreetly reach skyward and pretend that they need to stretch their arms in order to get that one necessary bar of reception. A cell phone stretch can last anywhere between 2 and 25 seconds and may be repeated as many times as necessary.

This technique should be used a limited amount of times, as there are several negative consequences:

1. The teacher or professor mistakes your stretching motion as you raising your hand and calls on you to answer a question. Which, of course, you can't answer because the question was posed while you were texting.
2. The teacher or professor becomes suspicious of you constantly stretching.
3. You accidentally wack the football player sitting behind you because you lean too far back (Trust me it's been done before and he does not react nicely).

Guy 1: Dude is your shoulder ok? You hurt it lifting?

Guy 2: Relax man, I'm just doing the cell phone stretch.

by classroomtexter October 8, 2009

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Broken phone

When thy idiot brakes they're phone and for then on out can only talk through kik, snapchat or some other stupid app

Tom:Dude I have a broken phone
Chad: We'll have to talk on some dumb app

by Analrules33 May 8, 2015

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phoned over

When a guy is talking to another person on the phone, and the guy hands the phone over to another person nearby, because he would rather have his friend be in an awkward situation with a person they don't even know then for the talker to just hang up the phone in the first place.

Jack: Hey Jill, my hotpockets just got done, can you talk to my friend for a sec?
Jill: Uhh-
Diddy P: Yo what's shakin', bacon?
Jill: ...
Diddy P: This is awkward, isn't it?
Jill: I've totally just been phoned over, haven't I?
Diddy P: Fo' shizzle, my nizzle.

by Spatchmo January 25, 2009

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Phone Stoned

A person is so into what is on their phone (text message, Facebook, twitter, etc.) that they are oblivious to the outside world. They are very unlikely to respond when being spoken to.

Don't bother asking Jen what she wants. She's phone stoned!

You were just so phone stoned a minute ago. Did you even hear me?

by Lisa jobet November 16, 2010

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