Another god fucking damn name in Among Us
*I ran into White*
White: *laser eye activate*
Killed by:
Within the context of music, the term "sus" refers to suspended chords — cases in which the third of a chord is replaced with a perfect fourth or major second.
Person 1: "Hey, what the hell is a 'ඞ', and why are you using it to label your sus chords?"
Person 2: "amogus"
Person 1: "We're cutting you off."
Something suspicious or weird. Typically used while playing a among and calling out who you think is the imposter as well as when a guy does something gay.
A slang meaning of suspicious.
She was acting really sus at the restaurant
When someone or something is acting ¨suspicious¨ or strange. Often used in ¨Among Us¨
Is it just me, or is Red looking kinda sus right now?
A word that among us normies use to accuse someone because they cannot spell suspicious.
Brazil's Health Unic System (Sistema Único de Saúde)
Brazil has their own free healthcare program called SUS, bitches is mad :*