A person who will sleep with someone despite how wrong it is for a self serving purpose like money.
Jamie will ditch her two year old to screw a married man for money. What a dirty skank ho!
a skate skank is a someone who only goes after skaters. like a puck slut is for hockey players, a skate skank is for skaters
didn’t you hear? she’s a total skate skank, you’re definitely not her type.
lil dirty skank is known as a little girl who goes around fucking gangsters for money
girl 1: "damn, ayva is such a lil dirty skank shes so gross!! shes the school thot omg"
girl 2: "bitchh i know she is u jus got to get used to seeing her fully dressed but naked online thats how girls are these days"
(to best friend) "Oh my gawd, you're such a skank-cupcake! I love it!!!!"
A skanky girl who likes to ride horses naked on her western style saddle with 'skank' engraved on it.
She rode her 'skank saddle' to her prostitution corner.
Attention whore who pursues fame by having sex with famous people.
So, which Tiger Woods skank-lebrity has come out of the woodwork today?