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what the titties?

said to something confusing..

what the fuck? = what the titties?

by Dave Ackmed September 17, 2006

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What the heaven

Same as "What the hell?", just with different/opposite last word "heaven" for christians/people that donยดt like saying "hell"

you: "What the heaven was that ?!"

by _Killian_ November 4, 2008

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what's up then

A phrase to be said at anytime, but usually said in a cocky attitute to a person when you beat them in something or prove them wrong.

"I can't believe you just beat me in streetball on my home court," said Tra. "What's up then," said Quin.

by Quin and Tra March 30, 2008

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something you say when you see an ugly bitch

what the fuggly. look at that bitch

by T-MONEY May 1, 2003

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What the Dale

To express anger or confusion. Can also be a noun to insult another person/thing. Takes place of the "F" word or other words along those lines.

"Holy dale!" "What the dale?!" "Quit being such a dale!" "DALE ME!" Also Who, why, how, and/or where the dale.

by Blizz Dizzl January 26, 2009

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What The Farquad

This is a term you say when something unbelievingly unpredictable happens and it is just too good to say what the fuck. Its origin is from Lord Farquad from the movie Shrek, because he is a totally unpredictable badass!

Oliver: (Jumped off a twenty story building and survived)
Juan: What the Farquad!
Andres: Isnt that the badass guy from shrek?

by jackbologna February 25, 2010

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what the deuce

A generalized inquiry as to the nature or overall well-being of someone or something.

What the deuce are my keys doing in the toilet, again?

by james007ssagent June 22, 2010

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